Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Second warm Spring day

The Southeaster finally stopped blowing after 3 days and the temperature climbed immediately --straight from Winter jackets yesterday to Summer clothes today.  Sarah wanted to get into the sea to try out her new booties, so we all got into our wetsuits and headed down to the beach.  Daniel didn't want to put on his new Spiderman cozzie, but agreed to the Spiderman cap, even though he insists that he is actually Lego Batman (from a PS2 game he saw at the video shop).  

Sarah only got her feet and her new booties wet and then decided she didn't feel like boogie-boarding after all.  She played with Daniel on the sand and made sure he kept his cap on by telling him that the seagulls would pooh on his head if he didn't.  

Shannon and I surfed for a while, but the waves were on the small side and a bit too messy for catching anything decent.  Shannon is getting much better at surfing now -- she gets up on the board just about every time.  There was a lot of shell bits in the shallows today, which made falling off rather tough on hands and feet.  

The wind came up just as we were getting out of the sea and has been blowing ever since.  Got to make sure we take advantage of any stretch of wind-free time on the beach -- it never lasts long this time of year.