Friday, July 22, 2011

Musical Cats

I just had to laugh to myself last night. Daniel had already fallen asleep and I was watching TV in bed. As the night went on, more and more cats got onto the bed until I was firmly wedged in. I couldn't move much and before I put the TV off, I decided to sort out the cats into more manageable positions.

So, I got up and moved Claudie to the bottom right of the bed. If she lies against you and you move, she tends to hum and growl a bit. So, she went near the bottom of Daniel's feet, but out of kicking range. I moved Sassy to the pile of clothes on the rockingchair. She's a real pain on the bed as she wants to lie right up against you and no matter how many times you move away, she follows. I moved Fallafel to the bottom left of the bed near where my feet go. He normally sleeps quite still during the night and only sticks his nose in your face if he thinks it's time to get up. Tommy, who's always slept with the girls, is now on our bed as well because the girls have been coughing him awake at night. He's really heavy but doesn't move around too much, so I just sort of slid him along to the middle of the bed near the bottom. He barely moved a whisker. Shandy was sleeping on the decoder but she jumped off when I got out of bed.

Then, with all the cats sorted and mostly out of my space, I got into bed, knocked the pillows into shape and got comfortable. Just as I sighed contentedly to myself, Daniel sat straight up, twisted around and plonked down again with his head wedged into my ribs. You just can't win. :-) At least Stewart is back tonight and since he tends to growl and spit at the cats in the bed, only the most stubborn ones will be sleeping on the bed with us (usually Sassy).