Thursday, June 23, 2011

Post-Holiday Blues

Been feeling quite out-of-sorts the last few days. Guess it's normal when coming back from holiday, but usually I am quite happy to be back home after being away. I'm not really a Mauritius package-holiday kind of person, but this holiday was different from the other 2 times for some reason. Can't figure out if it was this resort in particular, or the fact that we stayed longer than normal, or that we did nicer things this time around. Or maybe it was just nice to be warm.

It doesn't help much that it's been cold and miserable since we've come back. Right now the wind is howling in off the sea and whistling in at the bedroom window. (The reason that I am awake already -- 7am is early for me -- is that Daniel seems to be on Mauritius time still and has been waking up at 7am since we got back.)

I don't want to live in Mauritius permanently, but would love to stay there and take photos for a few months. Not palm-tree postcard kinds of pictures, but of the people and the dogs and the plants and the building and stuff. I would also like to understand the culture a bit more. It's such a strange mixture of different influences -- they drive on the left-hand-side of the road, speak French, look mostly Indian, and that's just the obvious things.

Will post some photos later once I've had a chance to go through them.

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